As an interpreter trained by IWSO, you can help service providers in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario to better communicate with their clients who do not speak either English or French, while being exposed to a wide variety of interesting subject matter and experiences.
IWSO provides Interpretation training to individuals with the skills, tools and knowledge to deliver a professional interpreter service. Trainees must be fluent in English, and a second or third language and are required to pass the Interpreter Language Skills Assessment Tool (ILSAT), a test designed to evaluate the language proficiency of a prospective candidate for the training.
- Must be eligible to work in Canada
- Must be fluent in English and one or more languages
- Must submit resume
- Must succeed in the interview

The Language Interpreter Training Curriculum is a competency-based training program for interpreters working with Language Interpreter Service Agencies associated with the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration (MCI) now known as Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade (MCIIT), and funded by the Government of Ontario, as part of the Violence Against Women Prevention Initiatives and the Domestic Violence Justice Strategy (VAWP/DVJS). The training is consistent with the National Standards Guide for Community Interpreters and the Language Interpreter Training Course (LITC) offered by community colleges across. Upon completion of the training, trainees will be required to complete the final written and audio tests and achieve a pass mark of 75% for each test.
Additional Training
Additional training is available for IWSO interpreters once they succeed in the ILSAT and the core training. Click on the courses below for a description.
The course seeks to increase interpreters’ understanding of the issue of woman abuse in order to improve capacity to provide effective interpretation and manage information transmitted during assignments. The training includes both visual and audio files.
The training course is designed to prepare interpreters to work effectively with service providers and women survivors of sexual violence and human trafficking involving sexual exploitation. The training takes a hybrid approach, that is it combines both an in-class and online component.
Monthly in-person sessions for skill development in the field of language interpretation in order to continue providing up-to-date interpretation services to the community.
This E-learning portal is built to share the expertise and knowledge we have acquired over the years. Whether you are an interpreter looking to upgrade your skills, a student finishing a course in social work, or an individual committed towards a healthy community, these courses are the perfect tools to learn more about issues of global significance.